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Re: atlantia list concerns

Poster: keith.finn@erols.com

Milady (and anyone else whom it may concern):

I for one am more than happy to help out with your questions when I can,
and I think most of our fellow Scadians are equally happy to share their
knowledge (often to excess!).  Unless I missed something, no one is
under any pressure to reply to you unless they wish.  To anyone who
suggests otherwise I would recommend they try using their "delete
message" function when they come to your posts, rather than getting
upset.  Please feel free to keep posting your questions unless the list
administrator says otherwise, and I (and, I imagine, most or our fellow
tavern patrons) will continue to help out, in the spirit of our game.


Bob & Diana Cosby wrote:
> Poster: Bob & Diana Cosby <cosby@erols.com>
> To whom it may concern,
>     I received a private e-mail today asking why you (people of atlantia
> listserve) are writing my book for me.  Honestly, I was surprised by the
> comment, and it was the last impression I would ever want to give
> anyone.  I'm sorry if anyone feels that they are 'writing' my book for
> me.  My novel is a romance, not a non-fiction work in the medieval era.
> My questions along with my research are to ensure that the base plot is
> sound nothing more.  For example, if a knight couldn't send his wife to
> a nunnery for unfaithfullness...then that fallacy in my plot would stand
> out like a sore thumb.
>     If you feel that my questions on this link are in error or I'm
> offending anyone with my presence, I sincerely apoligize and please let
> me know; I will no longer post them and leave this list.  I sincerely
> appreciate the answers to the questions I've posted as they've helped me
> 'tighten' the base plot, that which the romance will be woven around.
> If the book is bought/published, my intent is to 'give' credit to
> several people on this link who have been very patient in answering my
> questions as I try and learn/understand this complex era.  I also plan
> on giving thanks to the people of atlantia for their assistance in the
> credits.  Thank you very much for your time and Happy Holidays.
> Diana Cosby
> cosby@erols.com
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            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org