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Re: Kneeling and One's Mundane Private Beliefs (Long)

Poster: EoganOg@aol.com

In a message dated 12/2/98 8:11:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,
muselaw@tidalwave.net writes:

> To be honest, I
>  was very concerned about the real (not nominally "official") social
>  acceptance of religious minorities in the SCA. I knew that respect for
>  the Crown and Court rituals were very important in the SCA, but if I had
>  heard this kind of religious evaluation was a possibility, it might have
>  scared me away from the SCA. It smacks of the real Middle Ages, not the
>  Current Middle Ages.

I certainly hope that no one has scared you away from our organization, good
lady, and I truly hope you continue to play in our game.  I am fairly certain
that the comments that arose on the list about different religions' stances on
kneeling were just discussions of different cultures and customs, and not an
attempt to evaluate or justify/disprove those customs.  

Regardless of what individuals believe, it is often interesting to find out
what the "official" stance of certain religious organizations are, as this can
give us a better understanding of a faith that we do not all share in.  I
believe that the gentle who took the time to inquire to an authority as to
what the official stance on kneeling is in Judaism and to share those findings
with the list did so in an attempt to educate and enlighten.  I do not believe
that it was an attempt to say, "See , you can kneel after all!  It's alright!"

As you say, religion is a very personal matter, and I don't think anyone on
this list will argue otherwise.  All of the posts on the Mery Rose are
archived on the list's web page.  Maybe you should read over the ones
concerning this thread again and see if you don't also see what I'm seeing.  I
think this will maybe allay some of your concerns.

Aa the best,
Eogan Og Mac Labruinn

Quarterly Or & Vert, two lions combattant tails knowed, in base a mouse
couchant, all within an orle of roundels, Argent.
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