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RE: more questions (fwd)

Poster: Orville D Keys Jr <odkeys@ww-interlink.net>

Yes.. The pressing Giles Corey was to induce a confession, but he refused to do so.  (If he had confessed he would have lived but all property he had would have been confiscated by the state.)  He died, as well as his wife who was hanged as a witch.

Maeve Mac Donnell
Falcon Cree
(Who had to do research for "The Crucible" back in High School.)

From: 	marybeth lavrakas
Sent: 	Friday, December 18, 1998 9:34 AM
To: 	James Gilly / Alasdair mac Iain
Cc: 	The Merry Rose
Subject: 	Re: more questions (fwd)

Poster: marybeth lavrakas <Marybeth_Lavrakas@med.unc.edu>

Re: pressing at Salem...and this wasn't even someone who'd been
convicted, I believe that this was just to try and force a confession
out of him (Giles somebody?  I really should know this, having grown up
in MA and all...)

Kathryn Rous
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