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Re: atlantia list concerns

Poster: Beth Morris <bmorris@access.digex.net>

Gentle friends,

While I was not the one who wrote to complain about Ms. Cosby's notes, I
confess I was concerned about them but on another front:

Xena Drum wrote:

> ANd, I like that an author cares enough about their work to make sure
> it is as correct as possible. Many of us have experienced conflicting
> information while doing research; I think these folk are wise to come
> to the SCA folk who not only "know" but "live" the dream.

Aiee!  While there are occasional scholars among us, on specific topics,
the average SCAjun knowledge (particularly on some of the questions that
have come up) is sufficiently pitiful that I wouldn't consider this
*research* except in a generic way.  Consider it - for our competitions
we wouldn't consider 'I heard it on the Atlantia List' to be
documentation, would we???

Stuffy Purist
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