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Re: atlantia list concerns

Poster: "Nelson.Beth" <Nelson.Beth@EPCRA.org>

> I must admit I am of two minds on the subject...
> The question of how much research an author should ask from the list has
> popped into my mind a couple of times, especially when the questions were
> fairly general.  However, there are a number of positives to the
> questions.  We all learn something from the responses, and get ideas for
> future interest, the quality of the knoweledge presented in the book
> improves (which can only make the book better - how I HATE when authors
> don't even make an effort at research!).  One other advantage...many times
> this list gets bogged down with questions of SCA problems/concerns
> (plastic v. leather anyone?).  When those discussions die down so does the
> traffic on the list.  While I enjoy reading such posts, it is nice to read
> posts that actually discuss history.  I have even been saving some of the
> posts with references for ideas on what I should read in the future.
> So please continue to ask...maybe you'll even hit something I know about
> enough to respond.  In the meantime I will continue to enjoy the learning
> process.  One request though...when your book is done please post the name
> and publisher so those of us who wish to can enjoy the finished project.
> Orlaith
> Storvik
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