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Re: atlantia list concerns

Poster: "Michael Jeffrey Looney" <barderic@mailcity.com>

>Unless I've missed the boat completly, I thought that the main idea here
was to learn about medieval history and relive the better parts of it.
Any question tha pertains to the period gives all another glimpse of 
things as they were.<

I'm glad people out there ask questions b/c I'm the type that at a demo or something, the person presenting will ask, when s/he is done, "Are there any questions?"
I cna't think of a one, but as soon as someone ELSE raises their hand and asks their question, I like, "Wow!  That IS somehting I'd like to know!", but I can't think of the question my self at the time.
The same goes for here.
Thank you.

(who knows almsot nothing about almost nothing, and isn't afraid to admit it)
Tristin de Roquelaure ("idiot savant")
Kingdon of Atlantia
Barony of the Windmaster's Hill
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno
"Als thai haf wryten and sayd
Haf I alle in myn Inglis layd,
In symple speechs as I couthe,
That is lightest in manne's mouthe.
Alle for the luf of symple men,
That strange Inglis cannot ken."

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