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Re: Castle Trash, indeed!

Poster: "Michael Ruttle" <mruttle@xperts.com>

>> You're a SCAdian redneck if:
* Kenneling your dogs is your most costly Pennsic expense...
* You use hubcap bucklers...
* You're Knighting chain is a timing belt from a 76 Camaro...
* The antlers decorating your helm came from you shot...
* Your cornet has more than one useful kitchen items...like a bottle
* You refer to your cute young lady friend as Daisy Duchess...

>From: Julien de Montfort <julien@spiaggia.org>
>To: Merry Rose <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>
>Subject: Re: Castle Trash, indeed!
>Date: Fri, Dec 18, 1998, 11:24 AM

You're a SCAdian redneck if:
  *Feast consists of Pork Rinds, a moon pie, and RC...
  *Your practice foil came off your old pickup...
  *Your pavilion is "safety orange"...
  *You greet people with "Howdy, Milord"...
  *More than 40% of your armor is from a defunct yard appliance...
  *You oil said armor with WD-40...
  *Your coat of arms has Calvin peeing on a number...
  *Your battle flag has "NASCAR" anywhere on it...
  *Your chain mail is made of beer can pull tabs....
  *You've ever tiped your cornet at a passing Lady...
  *You think Elvis should have been a Laurel...
  *Your favorite SCA treasure is your air brushed painting of His Duke Sir
Whoever, on black velvet...
  *You've ever peed on a camp fire...
              or the side of someone's tent...
  *Your pickup truck has a crossbow rack in the rear window...
  *There's a horse up on blocks in your yard...
  *Your idea of a new feasting goblet is opening a fresh beer...
  *Your crown has the logo of some sort of farm equipment on the front...
  *You keep trying to register the Confederate flag as your personal
  *You cry "Y'all make way for the King 'n Queen now, y'hear?" when
heralding the Royals into court...
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