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Siege Engineers Handbook

Poster: John Edgerton <sirjon@netcom.com>

Now Creating the Siege Engineer's Handbook!

    The known world's siege engineers are beginning the project of compiling
all the collective knowledge on siege engines, construction and use, as
applied to SCA combat, into a book. This book is intended to act as an aid
to all engineers, future engineers, marshals and war senario designers. If
you would like to be a part of this topic, please subscribe to the email
SCA Siege List by sending an email to:

with the following line as the only text in the message:
  subscribe sca-siege (your name here)

  EXAMPLE: subscribe sca-siege Robert of Vinhold
 For more information send questions to me at:

    I am taking a survey of all those who are or would like to be siege
engineers. Please answer the following questions, and post to my email

  Your SCA Name:
  Engines you have built, or wish to build:
  How long you have been working on siege engines:
  What you would find most useful, if you had the Siege Engineers Handbook

  Post response to: rcurtice@auctoritas.com


  Lord Robert of Vinhold
  SCA Deputy Siege Marshal

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