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RE: Twelfth Night by Shakespeare

Poster: Orville D Keys Jr <odkeys@ww-interlink.net>

Ahh, milord a wonderful part indeed!!!!  I was fortunate enough to see the production of Twelfth Night aired by Live From Lincoln Center, with Helen Hunt and Paul Rudd.  Great show.
Maeve Mac Donnell
(wishing there were more productions of Bill's down here in SC!!!)

From: 	Garrett, William
Sent: 	Tuesday, December 29, 1998 9:45 AM
To: 	atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Cc: 	SCAHRLDS@LISTSERV.AOL.COM; Multiple recipients of list BH
Subject: 	Twelfth Night by Shakespeare

Poster: "Garrett, William" <WGarrett@sierrahealth.com>

Hi all....
This is off topic, but I wanted to crow a bit to all my friends.....
A local community theater here in Baltimore is putting on a production of
"Twelfth Night".  My wife pointed it out to me, knowing how much i miss
acting, and said I should audition.

Well, I did.  I just got a call from the director, and he asked if I would
be interested in the part of Malvolio!  It is a wonderful part and I'm
really looking forward to it......ten years away from the stage is far too

Performances will be in late Feb, early March.  I'll post more info later...

Sorry for the interuption..........tawk amongst yourselves..........

Bill Garrett
William Ringlancer

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