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RE: A thought!

Poster: "Mohajerin, Leila" <mohaj001@onyx.dcri.duke.edu>

Gotta disagree with you here.  
You stated: 
> I am given to understand that when situations like this happen.  It is
> the
> woman who is at fault.  Even in cases such as rape and yes even today.
> The
> logic goes something like this, she used her feminine wiles and all
> that
> leftover Garden of Evil original sin on the pure and manly man
> tempting him
> beyond endurance and thus is responsible for the act.  Any struggling
> she
> put up was just an act.
Women were often looked upon as if they had no will of their own.  Hence
the guarding, chaperoning, etc. This attitude is in part why they were
not afforded full rights.

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