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Re: Fwd: Toys for Tots; request for results.

Poster: "J.T. Thorpe" <eldred@concentric.net>

Greetings from Eldred!

This year's Toys for Tots Tourney was held during the Feast of St.
in the Canton of Cyddlain Downs.  The Tournament is normally held in 
Falcon Cree, however due to many scheduling conflicts and the
of the two groups, the Tourney was held as a special event within the
Feast of St. Dismas.  The count we came up with from the event itself
was 58 toys.  The toys were presented to the Marines during a public
demo at Toys 'R' Us in Spartanburg, SC this past weekend.  I understand
that additional toys and money were collected at the demo, but since I
at work that day, I do not know what the final count is.

In Service,
THL Eldred AElfwald
Toy Transportation Service

Wynnie asks about Toys for Tots: 

> Greetings, All.
> A friends from The Outlands is seeking information as to which
> Atlantian groups participated in a Toys for Tots Tourney and how many
> toys were raised/gathered.

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