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RE: Heard an old joke...

Poster: E L Wimett <SILVERDRAGON@Charleston.Net>

'Fraid you've got it wrong, at least in the traditional mode.  Should be:

In the East, when the King tells you to dig a trench, you respond: "I would love to do that for you, Your Majesty, but you didn't properly announce in Pikestaff the Curia at which you announced  the trench location, budget and shovel type."

In the Middle, when the King tells you to dig a trench, you respond: "I would love to do that for you, Your Majesty, but there was no seneschale officially present in the Court at which you announced  the trench location, budget and shovel type."

Traditional Atlantian mode, I suspect would be: "What a wonderful idea, Your Majesty.  Ummm, which household is in charge of the construction project?"

New Atlantian mode, I suspect would be: "What a wonderful idea, Your Majesty.  I'll contact all the relevant Kingdom Officers immediately to form a Nameless Construction Project Commitee".

-----Original Message-----
From:	Heather Bryden [SMTP:bryden@hers.com]
Sent:	Monday, December 28, 1998 4:14 PM
To:	atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Subject:	Heard an old joke...

Poster: Heather Bryden <bryden@hers.com>

I heard an old joke the other day.  It goes something like this:

In the East Kingdom, when the King tells you to dig a trench, you respond,
"Yes Your Majesty," and start digging.

In the Middle Kingdom, when the King tells you to dig a trench, you
respond, "Yes Your Majesty," but it might take six months for you to find a

In the interest of continuing studies in inter-kingdom anthropology (not to
mention livening up a dead list), are there any takes out there on the
Atlantian response?

Tom Rettie                                         tom@his.com
Heather Bryden                                 bryden@hers.com

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