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Re: Medieval diseases

Poster: keith.finn@erols.com

I stand corrected.  I responded to this one late in the evening, and my
copy of Tuchman's "Distant Mirror" was all the way on the other side of
the house, and I didn't look before I leapt.  Apologies.  


David KUIJT wrote:
> > > Does anyone know of any sites that discuss Medieval diseases in the late
> > > 1200s?  I'm looking for one that's contagious but can be overcome and
> > > would leave faded scars.  Thank you very much in advance.
> > I believe the black plague was occasionally survived, and left scars,
> > but I'm no expert on disease (outside of my diseased mind).
> >
> > Finn
> The black plague didn't enter Europe for the first time until 1347 (+/- 1
> or 2 depending upon where you were), 60 years after the late 1200s.
> Dafydd
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