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Cadfael IV on PBS

Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>

This may or may not be the schedule in your area.
In NC UNC does not have the January Schedule up yet on their website.
They often vary from WGBH, whose schedule is below.
However, since so many folks enjoy Cadfael, here is what they have
to offer. Usually airs on Thursday Nites at 9pm est. They just ran
Raven in the Foregate last Thurday nite but a Cadfael is not scheduled
for the last Thursday nite in the year.

Cadfael, Series IV

January 7 through January 21 (three 90-minute episodes) 
The Holy Thief -- January 7 
Pilgrim of Hate -- January 14 
The Potter's Field -- January 21
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