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Black Diamond Webpage

Poster: "Adrianna" <AEWING@jefferson.student.wlu.edu>

Good Tidings to all during this Holiday Season,
	I am pleased to present the new webpage for the Barony of Black 
Diamond.  It has information about meetings, officers, local events, 
fighter practices, etc. in the south-western part of Virginia.  
	Right now, the event flier for Ice Castle to be held February 20th 
in our fair barony is already posted.  We also have a page to put 
links to personal homepages of Black Diamonders past and present.
	Please come and browse.  The url is:


	Thank you for your time and attention, and please add the page as a 
link to your own if you wish.
	May you all have a glorious season and a happy new year!!

In service to Black Diamond, Atlantia, and the Dream,
Lady Adrianna de Bretagne
(mka Andrea Ewing)
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