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Re: Burnings....

Poster: Donald Wagner <polearmed@worldnet.att.net>


Corey R wrote:
> Poster: Corey R <stagepin3@yahoo.com>
> FYI: when women were being burned for witchcraft, oftentimes their
> families were charged for the wood.
> Happy holidays,
> Corey
> Minsiter of useless information

Many people didn't survive the mutilations that took place before the
burning.  Brutal stuff and don't forget the boiling in oil part.  That
purified you, too.  All those with the tilt toward morbid and horrendous
treatment, could get a kick out of "Actes and Monuments of the Martyrs"
by John Foxe.  It was first printed and 1576 and it was the first real
English Bestseller.  I even own a couple of leafs from the 1576

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