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RE: Castle Trash, indeed!

Poster: Orville D Keys Jr <odkeys@ww-interlink.net>

You're a SCAdian redneck if:

Feast consists of Pork Rinds, a moon pie, and RC
Your practice foil came off your old pickup

Works for me

Maeve Mac Donnell
Falcon Cree

From: 	RavnScribe@aol.com
Sent: 	Thursday, December 17, 1998 3:52 PM
To: 	atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Subject: 	Castle Trash, indeed!

Poster: RavnScribe@aol.com

Actually, we were working on a similar list here. 

You're a SCAdian redneck if:
*Your pavilion is "safety orange"
*You greet people with "Howdy, Milord".
*More than 40% of your armor is from a defunct yard appliance.
*You oil said armor with WD-40.
*Your coat of arms has Calvin peeing on a number.
*Your battle flag has "NASCAR" anywhere on it......

Anyone else? 

And now back to your regularly scheduled insanity!
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