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Re: Winter Garden question

Poster: Dave Montuori <damont@wolfstar.com>

Hildegund scripsit:
> I'm looking for sources on gardening: to wit, I'm writing a poem about the
> winter garden at the Governor's Palace set in Colonial Williamsburg when
> the Governor really lived there. I need to figure out if any plants gown in
> the garden in winter and if so, what names would they have.

It's been a *looooong* time since I set foot in the G.P. in winter. I
suspect, given the climate, they might have grown *something*, but most of
the garden must have been dormant. If anything was being grown it would
have been close to a building (radiated heat).

Did you phrase your question precisely? Only 2 actual Governors lived
in the Palace -- Botetourt (1768-1770) and Dunmore (1770-1775). Before
that the Governor stayed in England and sent a Lieutenant Governor over
for the dirty work; Dunmore was the last Colonial Governor, and fled for
his life.

8-year resident of Williamsburg, founding member of Rencester

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