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Re: RP'ing?

Poster: Brenda <adendra@Charleston.Net>

BlakHat1@aol.com wrote:
> Poster: BlakHat1@aol.com
> How many of you out there caught the medieval bug through D&D?  How many of
> you still play it?  Have your SCA experiences made you a better player or DM
> in your opinion?
> David ben Sarkel ha-Kuzari
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Way back when in the early days of my college studies, a friend of mine 
introduced me to AD&D. It was a great stress reliever back then. Then the 
guy I was dating (who also played) said to me, "How would you like to go 
beyond AD&D and try the real Medieval life for a weekend?" So, I said 
"Sure, I'm game." He then took me to a Candlelight Camp in the Shire of 
the Small Grey Bear in wilds of far west Meridies. I got sunburned during 
the day, froze that night, and have never been far from the SCA since. My 
RPG'ing paralleled the SCA for a while, and I think I got more into the 
role-playing because of it. I even won a couple of awards in D&D 
tournaments for it. But, somehow the SCA was better, because we were 
recreating the REAL thing (TM)! After moving here to Atlantia, I didn't 
have any RPG contacts, but I sure had SCA contacts. Needless to say, the 
rest is history!


List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org