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Re: (no subject) (fwd)

Poster: clevin@ripco.com (Craig Levin)

Tristan de Roquelaure:

> Anotehr problem I have with the libraries, with the new
> computer data bases that they have, is if you do a key-
> word or a subject search, and you get a list of 500 books, 
> and you go throug them all jsut to find that MAYBE 5 of them
> actually ahve anythong to do with your subjest beyond a minor
> mention of like 3 words.

That's a matter of discovering how to finesse the subject
headings. It's not that hard, once you look at a DCC or an LCSH,
which any library of any signifigance ought to have.

I work with web and databas searches on a constant basis, and
believe me, what most people need isn't how to make a search more
general, it's how to make it more specific.

> Or the books that you REALLY need at "loaned out" at the time, 
> and I always have teachers that think that you can write a 
> complete essay over a 2 day period, with something like 5 news
> articles, 3 encyclopedias, and numerious other accurate sources.  

If it's loaned out, there's always a chance that a recall can
yank it back in time. As to the time problem, I can't speak; my
advisors often wanted the impossible, and I delivered what I
could; that's the fun thing about college.

> I've actually had more of those than I can count on my fingers
> and toes, and you go looking for this stuff, and, SURPRISE, 
> it's never there, not what you need!

Since when did anyone tell anyone else that Murphy's Laws stopped
at the library door? Not a librarian, believe me.

Craig Levin
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