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Re: Crucifiction? was( RE: torture in England (was questions)

Poster: Beiskaldi@aol.com

In a message dated 98-12-17 12:08:03 EST, beckymc@MICROSOFT.com writes:

 I guess I should be checking the religious books in my own parents'
 library but all this talk about torture got me to thinking about
 crucifiction.  Besides the obvious example of Jesus I know that
 crucifiction was common for some time I believe in the Byzantine era. >>

I have a further question about this, unrelated to Middle ages, if you will be
willing to humor me.  Was crucifiction truly a common form of putting people
to death before the middle ages?  The reason I ask this is that I had once
heard the reference to the Romans of Jesus' time not using it as an average
form of punishment, but rather reserved  it for more serious crimes (including
in their eyes treason), sort of to make a public example out of the specific

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