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Re: Israel

Poster: liz clark <freya@total.net>

At 08:32 1998/12/13 -0500, you wrote:
>Freya -
>This came off the Atlantian list (the College of Rencester is mundanely
>known as the College of William and Mary, in Virginia).  Can you help?
>Alasdair mac Iain

Greetings Alasdair and others.  Freya here.

I must be honest.  I have never heard about the SCA being in Israel.  I
would guess that a country that is perennially at war would have a difficult
time playing at it.  Also, there is the problem of religion getting in the
way.  Israel (except Haifa, interestingly enough) shuts down from Friday
aft. to Saturday Eve.

Now, I haven't been home in almost 24 years (EEEEK.  Has it been that long?)
So obviously, I don't know the situation now.  

I do know that Haifa is a beautiful city.

Good luck and have fun.

Hugs and skritches

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