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Re: atlantia list concerns

Poster: JBRMM266@aol.com

Despite what Ms. Burgin seems to think, I for one do not for a moment believe
that Diana Cosby is having us write her novel for her.  

It is to her credit that in untertaking a novel set in the time we study, she
turns to us for information to make it accurate.  

Ms. Cosby has done us Atlantians a high compliment, in considering us a
reliable source of background information for the novels she is writing.  Her
questions have also been thought-provoking to many of us, as witness the
number of threads they have generated.  As such, and in light of her declared
intent to acknowledge our contributions, I see naught amiss in her questions
and for one, am more than happy to share my meager knowledge with her!

Vivat Atlantia, Vivat Historia!

~Donal Mac Ruiseart
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