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A Public Service Announcment

Poster: BjornFrie@aol.com

Greetings to the patrons of the MerryRose.  This is a public service
announcement primarily for the rapier community, specifically the gentleman,
who may be around.  At the Raven's Cove Zombie tourney during the rapier
torchlight tourney an important discovery was made concerning Lady Rosalind (I
may have butchered the spelling but I'm sure all of the gentlemen involved
know whom I mean).  To put this in the most delicate and inoffensive of terms
it was determined that she had a 66% win ratio with the um.. ahh... well let's
just say it was a good thing we all wore cups.  So in recognition of this it
was decided, by those of us who still spoke in baritone, that she should be
give the name Lady Rosalind "PenisBane".  So be warned that if you should find
yourself across the field from this charming Lady you need to take protective
steps immediately...like getting a steel codpiece or a large buckler held low
or something along that line.

Yours in service (and still baritone),
Lord Donovan Morgan
>> "I am the evil twin." <<

PS.  To Lady Rosalind, I told you I would tell the MerryRose and you'll notice
I did CC Sir Wulfbrand as you requested.
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