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Re: On that Note!

Poster: EoganOg@aol.com

In a message dated 12/16/98 6:49:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,
missy@greenwood.net writes:

>  I myself have had
>  trouble reasearching things, as I live in a small town, and the reasources
>  aren't that readily available to me.  

I'm using the above message just as an example of many posts I have seen on
this list in the past to put forth some general information.  I live in a
small town.  As any graduates of Western Carolina University can tell you, it
is a *very* small town.   Before we got our Wal-Mart, we considered
Waynesville, NC, the "big town."  Asheville?  Now that's urban!  

My point is, you can do research here, too.  I have worked in libraries, have
family that work in libraries, and friends likewise, so I might be a little
more familiar with the resources than others.  But if there is any kind of
university or college library near you, they can obtain nearly any book you
need through ILL (Inter-Library Loan).  The first library I worked in was at
Warrn-Wilson College, and the library was then so small that it had no support
staff.  Yet we managed to supply most boks people needed.  We recived books
from ILL from colleges and universities all over the country.  Most librarians
are willing to help.  Just ask.  Tell them you really need the book.  They'll
find it.  

Also, from having worked in library acquisitions, I know that very often if
the library does not have the book you need, and it is available in print,
they will often buy it and add it to the collection, at your request.  They'll
even let you know when it comes in so you can be the first to check it out.
This is how library collections grow.  The aquisitions librarian needs to
spend the budget money somewhere.  Your suggestions make it easier to decide
what to buy.

With on-line searchable databases for many libraries, it is possible to locate
nearly any book you need and have it sent to your library.  Just ask a
reference librarian for help.  These people are saints and their profession
really demands more respect than they are given.   If you know what you are
looking for and ask about it, even the smallest libraries today can get the
information to you.

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