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Acryllic Question

Poster: EoganOg@aol.com

Greetings evirichon!

For the holidays, I received a wonderfully hand thrown mug with my Arms
embossed on it.  I added some colour with acrylic paints, and the overall
result is very attractive.  I was going to protect the paint with an Acryllic
sealer, but as this is a vessel to be used for drinking, I read the warning
label first.  Acryllic sealer is harmful or fatal if swallowed itself, so my
questions are these:  Once the sealer has dryed, is there still danger of my
ingesting it if I drink something from the mug?  Is the sealer only dangerous
if I ingest it in sufficient qaunitites, to where the minute amounts that I
may come in contact with after it has dried pose no threat?  Are there
different types of acryllic sealers that are more non-toxic?  And if all else
fails, how else may I protect the paint and still be able ot use the mug?

I thank you for any advice.  I hope some good artisan out there with more
knowledge of paints than I can assist me.

Eogan Og
Checky Or & Vert, two lions combattant tails knowed, in base a mouse couchant,
all within an olre of roundels, Argent.
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