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Re: Berbers

Poster: EoganOg@aol.com

In a message dated 12/10/98 3:22:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,
polearmed@att.net writes:

> I'm starting to sound like Eogan, huh.  'Cept Ah'll no be spakin' dat
>  silly crap noone can read.

Och lad, haud yer wheesht!  I'll no thole tae bi mad luik a cuef bi sik a
cheil as ye!  Thair's naethin wrang wi ma scrievins, an gin ye cannae read
them richt then ye micht jist be needin a transfusion o some guid Scots bluid!

But gin ye meant ye were soondin lik masel on account o ye soondin sae
eloquent an educatit an aa, then I thank ye!  (I've ne'er hairt it sayd at
Scots wis humble, no ay?)

. . . noo whaur did at bleedin yow git aff tae?  Oh Fluffy!!!  Hey yows!  Cam
tae the knowes!  Oh yows!  (inside joke)

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