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RE: Pennsic Seneschale's Court and Requirements This Year

Poster: Phillip Jones <jonesj@InfoAve.Net>

Well, I wonder about the specificity of it all. I don't object too much to
not seeing elf ears or vampire teeth, but just which items of leather does
our friend fine evocative of S&M or slavery? Some squires wear chains: marks
of their bondage? As Herveus has pointed out, there is no support in corpora
for our choosing to wear them, but he certainly never advocated that I be
forced to remove mine or leave an event.

Who is defining courtesy? Will I be hauled up on charges if I say that I
find the concept heavy-handed and repugnant? Will we have authenticity
police monitoring conversations? Will Martha Stewart or Miss Manners come in
to consult? Where is this monolithic vision of what Pennsic ought to be
coming from (ohno. He ended a sentence with a preposition! Take his land.)
Could we see charges brought because of land envy?

 Is slavery now non-period? Is nudity? Whose sensibilities are being
normalized? Whose marginalized? Those damn tuchux sure are offensive, aren't
they? How about them blue feathers? Sodomites, Sademites.

custodiat custodians, or something like that.

Phillip Jones
Triplette Competition Arms

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