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Poster: GUNRHARALD@aol.com

	The winter is upon us, and the Frost-Giants wield their northern
as the woodsman wields his axe. Now is the time for the in-gathering, the
telling of tales, and defiance of the darkness of the long night.
	Leave courtly trappings behind and pit bone and sinew in 
Viking style combats hard and soft! Cast wit and voice in skaldic measure
monied treasure! Stand your craft and art against like, in contest of the
might! Feast and carouse, while our sinuous Jewels of the East show you
our men sell their service in warmer climes!
	The hall opens at 10 am and closes at 10 pm. There will be a
auction before the feast for those who don't wish to wait in line for
food. The feast will be served buffet style as it was done in the early
days of this event. The hall is discretely wet, and we encourage
responsible consumption of said beverages.

	Reservations/Dietary Concerns:
 Your Autocrat Lady Maria-Theresa de Normand
(Mary Bowles), 2811-D Matterhorn Drive, Richmond, VA 23228, (804)515-0284
Merchants: Finnr Grimulfsson (James Howell), (804) 598-2168 (NLT 10 pm).

Fees due by Feb 1, 1999 are $12 adults on board, $7 for children under
Off Board is $7 for adults and $5 for children under 12. After Feb 1 add
$2.  Please make checks payable to the College of Yarvid/SCA, Inc.


The site is 910 Otterdale Road, Midlothian, VA 23113.

North: I-95 to Richmond and take exit 79, the Powhite Pkwy. Go through
toll plaza ($0.35) and exit onto Route 150, (Chippenham Pkwy.) Go to
60 and exit west (MidlothianTurnpike, 2nd exit). Go approximately 10
until you cross a railroad overpass. Turn left at light onto Otterdale
Road. The site is
approximately 1.6 miles on your left.

East/West: I-64 to Richmond, exit onto the Powhite Pkwy/195 south. 
Follow directions for North.

South: I-95 to Richmond and exit onto Route 150 (Chippenham Pkwy) east.
to Route 60 and exit west. Follow the North directions from Route 60.

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