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RE: War Practice

Poster: "Mohajerin, Leila" <mohaj001@onyx.dcri.duke.edu>

Yes, the Southern War Practice will be on the same site as Ymir! (Camp
McNeil, Boy Scout Reservation, White Oak, NC- just South of
Fayetteville) I will need to check with the Warlord about the time, but
as people have to be out of cabins by noon, it shouldn't start any later
than that. As the field is very big and wide, I don't see a problem with
combat archery, but that also is his call.

Sveva la Lucciola
Autocrat for Ymir  
> ----------
> From: 	Janine H Sutter[SMTP:jsutter@scotland.ces.state.nc.us]
> Reply To: 	Janine H Sutter
> Sent: 	Monday, February 08, 1999 12:59 PM
> To: 	atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> Subject: 	War Practice
> Poster: Janine H Sutter <jsutter@scotland.ces.state.nc.us>
> Greetings!  I have some questions from some people who are not
> on-line.  1)
>  the war practice after Ymir--what time does it start/end?  2)  It
> will be at
> the same sight as Ymir?   3)  Are combat archers invited or heavies
> only?
>  Thanks in advance for the answers.  Kari Kyst
> --
> Janine Honey Sutter
> E-Mail  : jsutter@scotland
> Internet: jsutter@scotland.ces.ncsu.edu
> Phone   : 9102772422
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