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Mercs for Hire!

Sent this to Tsuneo by accident, instead of the list

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Tsuneo-Sama, ya don't need to get your knickers in a knot... Remember, it's
ALL for grins.

>  Erich, as the first King who made the decision to fight for the Middle
>  (Daffyd was the second), I must STRONGLY OBJECT to your description of
>  the events.  In fact, I am surprised at you, you were there for this.

No kidding. As I recall, when you solicited opinions in Court after the Mid's
ambassadors made their presentation and invitation, I was one of the first of
your subjects to come up and enthusiastically endorse the idea.

>  	We formed an allegiance with the Mid, we did not become in any way
>  their clients.  

As I recall, a major reason for our accepting their offer was that the EAST
had been treating us like "clients" for a couple-3 years prior.


>  	We were not bought for cookies.  The Midrealm sent emmisaries to our
>  coronation to entreat for an aliance at Pennsic.  The East, after they
>  said they would send an emmisary failed to do so.  

This is true. We switched in part because, after saving the East's bacon in a
couple of Pennsics, they still didn't give us no respect. Those were STILL
damn good cookies.

>  	There *were* cookies, of course, as well as personal gifts for the
>  monarchs (us).  If you wish to imply the value of these gifts "bought"
>  our alliance you may send your seconds. 

Not in the least - it's all schtick. This would be as dumb as saying that
Coronation gift of antifreeze / firestarter I gave y'all was a bribe for
political influence. And we KNOW how politically astute and subtle I am...

>  	The majority opinion was that Atlantia at that time was being treated
>  by the East as their dutiful child, whose loyalty was assumed without
>  any attempt to earn it.


>  	I did lead us to might be the worst military disaster in Atlantian
>  History (with the possible exception of a pennsic battle lost with
>  amazing alacrity by my mentor and Knight, King Gyrth Oldcastle), 

Gyrth's 2-minute field battle was P.A. - Pre-Atlantian History. Our first
Pennsic loss wasn't your fault - the Mid didn't know how to use us right. They
learned next war. For that matter, in 18 Pennsics, Atlantia as a Kingdom is 15
and 3, less a draw or two. Better record than either principal kingdom,
dont'cha know.

>  	 Oh, the cookies? They were distributed ... 

(With fond memories here)

> [snip] I may be boasting but I am told
>  that people still remember that reign out loud with fondness

I certainly do. You fighting Crown again anytime soon?

Erich von Kleinfeld
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