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Re: Squire Training

Poster: Michael Surbrook <susano@otd.com>

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, David KUIJT wrote:

> This is personality training, not crash training.  You keep doing it until
> your _personality_fault_ is corrected, not until you learn how to crash
> well.  So the question is not "did you crash", but the more important one:
> "what did you learn?"  Wrong answers to this koan require a repetition of
> the drill.
> With me, once was clearly enough.  With you, or with Michael, it seems
> that multiple repetitions will be required.

Squire Michael is thinking he's not gettin' on the bike in the first

Michael Limner, esq.
Zen Student of Avoding Bicycle Crashes and Road Rash

Michael Surbrook - susano@otd.com - http://www.otd.com/~susano/index.html

                   "There are monkeyboys in the facility..."
      from _The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension_

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