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Re: Broken Bones

Poster: "Jason & Shannon Smith" <srgiles@erols.com>

>> > > Hi all, Dafydd here, dodging more writing on my dissertation.
>> > > (O Procrastinator Vile!)
>> >
>> > His squire Michael makes a note to inform Elizabeth...
>> THAT'S a paddlin'!
>Oops.. did I think out loud?.

Nope. You? Thinking?  Nah, couldn't have happened.  I'm not fooled.

>> It's a training technique.  I'm strongly considering requiring it of all
>> my squires.
>I see.  Well, I think the newest squires should go first... Andrew!!!

Oh no, you first.  I've been trying the "kill Thorbrandr" training
technique, which is almost as stupid as the stick in the spokes.  I'm sure
the stick in the spokes hurt ALOT less!


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