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Re: Two!? (was: Mercs for Hire!) (fwd)

Poster: clevin@ripco.com (Craig Levin)


> > Even right-side up, IMO. Their aims are understandable, since
> > they, like th Kurds, are a people split in half by a coincidence
> > of borders (the splitting of Navarra between France and Spain).
> > Their methods (terrorism and kidnapping) leave something to be
> > desired.
> Hmmm?  Did I miss something, is Catalonia's history filled with violence like
> that surrounding Northern Ireland or Palestine?  When I was there I didn't see
> none of THAT.  (Sheesh!  I could've gotten hazard pay!)

No, but Navarra is. There _is_ a Catalan movement afoot, but
they are, to my knowledge, much like our Puerto Rican
independence movement, a small group with little general

Pedro de Alcazar
Craig Levin
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