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Re: atlantia V1 #944

Poster: Maureen Sampson <msampson@nih.gov>

>Poster: "Garrett, William" <WGarrett@sierrahealth.com>
>> > Sticking a stick into your bike spokes?  Why?
>> It's a training technique.  I'm strongly considering requiring it of all
>> my squires.
>> Dafydd
>	[Garrett, William]  Though not one of your squires, Your Excellency,
>I have been the recipient of such training.  My older brother threw a
>Louisville Slugger at my bike spokes.  I don't know if I completed the
>training correctly, as no bones were broken, but I suffered a horrendous
>case of road rash.....
>	does that count?  Or should I have completed the training
>	:o)
>	William Ringlancer of Locksley,
>	Squire to Sir Marco Valerio Di Bartolomeo (Caid)

When I was little I was riding double behind a friend when I stuck my
(bare) foot through the spokes!!!  Needless to say we both went flying.

Maureen (not anyones squire, nor in training that I know of)

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