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Introducing a new list -Period Religion-

Poster: "Marlo W. Peck" <marlo@nbank.net>

There are many people in the SCA for whom the practice of Christian
religion is an intrinsic part of their persona.  For many of us,
Christian religion is an important part of our daily lives.  If you are
like me, you find that people in your church have a hard time
understanding your interest in the SCA, ("You're not like the other kids
in the Sunday School class, are you?").

The more I study the period covered by the SCA, the more I see what an
important role the church played in the daily life of  people high and
low.  Modern law prohibits the emphasis on religion in the SCA,
Incorporated, however, so I am providing this list as a forum for
Christians in the SCA, regardless of denomination,  who are interested
in sharing scholarship, fellowship and the occasional rant.

This list is freely open to any persons interested in discussing
Christian religion and views, both in persona and mundane, and will be
moderated as little as possible.  Besides the emphasis on Christianity,
there are no specific rules governing what is "On topic" or not.  This
is a social event as much as anything else.  If you do not hold with
Christian beliefs, you are welcome to come and participate.  However,
understand that this is a Christian list, and bashing or juvenile
flame-fests will not be looked kindly upon.

Please feel free to pass this message on to any lists or people you
think might be interested.

To subscribe, write to PerRel-subscribe@listbot.com.  The message body
is unimportant.

Yours in Service,

Lady Muriel deRedfearne

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