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[fwd] SC - cookbook list - getting longer
Poster: James Gilly / Alasdair mac Iain <alasdair.maciain@snet.net>
A response from Mistress Sincgiefu to the post I forwarded earlier....
>Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 14:04:40 -0500
>To: sca-cooks@Ansteorra.ORG
>From: renfrow@skylands.net (Cindy Renfrow)
>Subject: SC - cookbook list - getting longer
>Hello! Yes, this is more what I'm looking for. Thank you, Valoise!
>I'll add some, too. I've included Gerard & Athenaeus because they do have
>a few recipes &/or serving ideas in the text.
>Anyone have more to add? Ideas regarding cut-off dates?
>[c. 1226]
>"A Baghdad Cookery-Book [c. 1226] In Islamic Culture (January-April 1939);
> reprinted in Cariadoc Volume I, 1-14.
>[13th Century]
>An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the 13th Century. Translated by Charles
>Perry, reprinted in Cariadoc Volume II, A1-A80.
>Apicius. Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome. Tr. by J. D. Vehling.
>Walter M. Hill. Chicago, 1936. Rpt. Dover Publications, Inc. New York,
>Platina. On Honest Indulgence (De Honesta Voluptate). Venice, 1475. Rpt.
>Falconwood Press. New York, 1989.
>Scappi, Bartolomeo. Il Cuoco segreto di Papa Pio V (The Private Chef of
>Pope Pius V). Venice, 1570.
>Epulario, Or, The Italian Banquet. Translated out of Italian into English.
>London, 1598. Rpt. Falconwood Press. New York, 1990.
>[circa 228 A.D.]
>Athenaeus. The Deipnosophists, or The Sophists at Dinner. Tr. by Charles
>Burton Gulick. Wm. Heinemann, Ltd. London. G.P. Putnam's Sons. New
>York, 1927. Ed. by E. Capps, T.E. Page, W.H.D. Rouse. The Loeb Classical
>Library. 7 volumes dating from circa 228 A.D., containing a great deal of
>information on the wines and foods of ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt.
>[c. 1381]
>Ancient Cookery. c. 1381. Edited by Gustavus Brander in The Forme of Cury,
>a Roll of Ancient English Cookery. London: Society of Antiquaries,1780;
>reprinted in Cariadoc Volume I, A34-A42.
>[c. 1390]
>Pegge, Samuel, ed. The Forme of Cury, A Roll of Ancient English Cookery,
>Compiled, about A.D. 1390, by the Master-Cooks of King Richard II,
>Presented afterwards to Queen Elizabeth, by Edward Lord Stafford, And now
>in the Possession of Gustavus Brander, Esq. Illustrated, with notes, and a
>copious index, or glossary. A manuscript of the editor, of the same Age
>and Subject, with other congruous Matters are subjoined. J. Nichols,
>Printer to the Society of Antiquaries. London, 1780.
> **** Rpt. Early English Text Society, Supplementary Series 8, 1985.
> **** Rpt. in Cariadoc Volume I, B1-B16.
> **** Hieatt, Constance B. and Sharon Butler, eds. Curye on
>Inglysch, English Culinary Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century (Including
>The Forme of Cury). Oxford University Press. London, 1985.
>[c. 1400]
>Ancient Cookery, From a MS. in the library of the Royal Society, Arundel
>Collection, c. 1400; London: Royal Society of Antiquaries,1790; reprinted
>in Cariadoc Volume I,32-45.
>[c. early 1400s]
>Ancient Cookery. From a MS. in the Library of the Royal Society, Arundel
>Collection, No. 344, p. 273-445. From a Collection of the Ordinances and
>Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household made in Divers Reigns
>from King Edward III to King William and Queen Mary also Receipts in
>Ancient Cookery. Printed for the Society of London Antiquaries by John
>Nichols. 1740. The MS. discusses events of A. D. 1326 to A. D. 1399, and
>so the editor has dated the recipes to the early 15th century.
>[c. 1430]
>Harleian MS. 279, c. 1430. In Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery Books, ed.
> Thomas Austin. London: Published for the Early English Text Society by
> the Oxford Unversity Press, 1888; Rpt. Vivian Ridler, Printer to
>the University, 1964. Original series no. 91; reprinted in Cariadoc
> Volume I, 50-66.
>[c. 1430]
>Ashmole MS. 1439, c. 1430. In Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery Books, ed.
> Thomas Austin. London: Published for the Early English Text Society by
> the Oxford Unversity Press, 1888; Rpt. Vivian Ridler, Printer to
>the University, 1964. Original series no. 91. Rpt in Cariadoc Volume I.
>[c. 1450]
>Harleian MS. 4016, c. 1450. In Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery Books, ed.
> Thomas Austin. London: Published for the Early English Text
>Society by the Oxford Unversity Press, 1888; Rpt. Vivian
>Ridler, Printer to the University, 1964. Original series no. 91. Rpt in
>Cariadoc Volume I, 66-77.
>[c. 1450]
>Douce MS. 55, c. 1450. In Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery Books, ed. Thomas
>Austin. London: Published for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford
>Unversity Press, 1888; Rpt. Vivian Ridler, Printer to the University, 1964.
>Original series no. 91. Rpt in Cariadoc Volume I.
>[c. 1450]
>Laud Ms 553, c. 1450. In Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery Books, ed.
> Thomas Austin. London: Published for the Early English Text Society by
> the Oxford Unversity Press, 1888; Rpt. Vivian Ridler, Printer to
>the University, 1964. Original series no. 91. Rpt in Cariadoc Volume I.
>[c. 1467]
>Napier, Mrs. Alexander, ed. A Noble Boke Off Cookry ffor a prynce
>houssolde or eny other estately houssolde. c. 1467. Reprinted verbatim
>from a rare MS. in the Holkham Collection. Elliot Stock. London, 1882.
>Rpt in Cariadoc Volume I, B1-B38.
>[c. 16th Century]
>Frere, Catherine Frances, ed. A Proper Newe Booke of Cokerye, declarynge
>what maner of meates be beste in season, etc. 16th century. Rpt. Heffer &
>Sons, Ltd. Cambridge, 1913. Rpt in Cariadoc Volume I, C1-C15.
>Boorde, Andrew. The Regyment, or a Dyetary of Helth. 1542.
>[c. 1550 to 1625]
>Hess, Karen, ed. Martha Washington's Booke of Cookery, and Booke of
>Sweetmeats: being a Family Manuscript, curiously copied by an unknown Hand
>sometime in the seventeenth century, which was in her Keeping from 1749,
>the time of her Marriage to Daniel Custis, to 1799, at which time she gave
>it to Eleanor Parke Custis, her grandaughter, on the occasion of her
>Marriage to Lawrence Lewis. Columbia Univ. Press. New York, 1981. The
>recipes contained in the MS. are dated 1550 to 1625 by the editor.
>Dawson, Thomas. The Good Housewife's Jewell. 1585.
>Harrison, William. The Description of England. 1587. Georges Edelen, ed.
>Folger Shakespeare Library and Dover Publications, Inc. Washington, D.C.,
>and New York, 1994. The book contains descriptions of most facets of Tudor
>life, including directions for cultivating saffron, brewing beer, etc.
>Partridge, John. The good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin. 1594.
>Plat, Sir Hugh. The Jewel House of Art and Nature. 1594.
>Gerard, John. The Herball or Generall Historie of Plants. London, 1597.
>Rpt. Walter J. Johnson, Inc. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Ltd. Keizersgracht
>526, Amsterdam, 1974.
> **** Gerard, John. The Herball or Generall Historie of Plants.
>London, 1633. Thomas Johnson, ed. Rpt. Dover
>Publications, Inc. 1975. This is the complete 1633 edition as edited by
>Thomas Johnson.
>Plat, Sir Hugh. Delightes for Ladies to adorne their Persons, Closets, and
> Distillatories: With Beauties, Banquets, Perfumes and Waters. London:
> Humphrey Lownes, 1609; reprinted in Cariadoc Volume I, 89-120.
>Markham, Gervase. The English Hus-wife, Contayning The inward and outward
>vertues which ought to be in a compleat woman; As, her skill in Physicke,
>Cookery, Banqueting-stuffe, Distillation, Perfumes, Wooll, Hemp, Flax,
>Dayries, Brewing, Baking, and all other things belonging to an houshould.
>Iohn Beale. London, 1615. (The English Housewife, collated and edited by
>Michael R. Best, contains the 1615, 1623, and 1631 editions. Queen's Univ.
>Press. Kingston,
>Murrell, John. A New Booke of Cookerie. 1615. Rpt. Falconwood Press, New
>York, 1988.
>Murrell, John. A Daily Exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen. 1617. Rpt.
>Falconwood Press, New York.
>Murrell, John. A Delightful Daily Exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen.
>London, 1621. Rpt. Falconwood Press. New York, 1990.
>A True Gentlewoman's Delight, Wherein is contained all manner of Cookery.
>(Anonymous) W. I. Gent. London, 1653. Rpt. Falconwood Press. New York,
>Walton, Izaak. The Compleat Angler. 1653.
>The Queen's Closet Opened. Incomparable Secrets in Physick, Chirurgery,
>Preserving, Candying, and Cookery, etc. By W.M., Cook to Queen Henrietta
>Maria. London, 1655.
>The Ladies Cabinet, Enlarged and Opened: Containing Rare Secrets and Rich
>Ornaments, of several kindes, and different uses... by the late Right
>Honorable and Learned Chymist, The Lord Ruthuen. The second Edit. with
>Additions... London, Printed by T.M. For G. Bedell and T. Collins, at the
>Middle Temple-Gate, Fleetstreet. 1655. Rpt. parts 1 and 3, Falconwood
>Press. New York, 1990.
>May, Robert. The Accomplisht Cook, or the Art and Mystery of Cookery.
>Printed by N. Brooke for T. Archer. 1660. There is also a 1678 fourth
>edition, rpt. Falconwood Press, 1992.
>[c. 1664-94]
>Benson, Evelyn Abraham, ed. Penn Family Recipes, Cooking Recipes of Wm.
>Penn's Wife, GULIELMA. George Shumway, Publisher. York, Pennsylvania,
>1966. Contains the MS. cookbook: "My Mother's Recaipts for Cookerys
>Presarving and Chyrurgery - William Penn" signed "Here ends the book of
>Coockary in great hast transcrided by Edward Blackfan the 25th of October
>1702." Gulielma Penn died in 1694 at the age of 50, so this collection of
>recipes should rightly be dated circa 1664-94.
>Digby, Sir Kenelme. The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digby
>Kt. Opened: Whereby is Discovered Several ways for making of Metheglin,
>Sider, Cherry-Wine, &c. Together with Excellent Directions for Cookery:
>As also for Preserving, Conserving, Candying, &c. Published by his Son's
>Consent. Printed by E. C. for H. Brome, at the Star in Little Britain.
>London, 1669. Rpt in Cariadoc Volume I, 121-190.
>A Queen's Delight, by W.M., 1671; facsimile edition by Prospect Books, 1984
>Rose, Giles. A Perfect School of Instructions for the Officers of the
>Mouth. By Giles Rose, one of the Master Cooks to Charles II. 1682.
>Traité de Cuisine. c.1300. Translated by Janet Hinson. Rpt in
>Cariadoc Volume II, T1-T5.
>[c. 1395]
>Le Menangier de Paris. Paris, c. 1395.
> ****Translated by Janet Hinson, reprinted in Cariadoc Volume II,
> ****Pichon, Jérome, ed. Le Ménagier de Paris, Traité De Morale Et
>D'économie Domestique Composé Vers 1393, Par Un Bourgeois Parisien;
>Contenant Des préceptes moraux, quelques faits historiques, des
>instructions sur l'art de diriger une maison, des reuseignemens sur la
>consommation du Roi, des Princes et de la ville de Paris, à la fin du
>quatorzième siècle, des conseils sur le jardinage et sur le choix des
>chevaux; un traité de cuisine fort étendu, et un autre non moins complet
>sur la chasse à l'épervier. Ensemble: L'histoire de Griséldis, Mellibée
>et Prudence par Albertan de Brescia (1246), traduit par frère Renault de
>Louens; et le chemin de Povreté et de Richesse, poëme composé, en 1342, par
>Jean Bruyant, notaire au Chàtelet de Paris; Publié Pour La Premiére Fois
>Par La Société Des Bibliophiles François. Tome Second. A Paris, De
>L'imprimerie de Crapelet, Rue de Vaugirard, 9. 1846.
> ****Power, Eileen, and C.G. Coulton, eds. The Goodman of Paris (Le
>Ménagier de Paris) A Treatise on Moral and Domestic Economy by a Citizen of
>Paris, c. 1393. George Routledge & Sons, Ltd. London, 1928.
>[14th C.]
>The Viander of Taillevent: An Edition of all Extant Manuscipts. [14th C.]
>Edited by Terence Scully. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1988.
> ****Tirel, Guillaume. Le Viandier di Guillaume Tirel, dit
>Taillevent. Jerome Pichon and Georges Vicaire, eds. Paris, 1892.
> ****____. Le Viandier de Taillevent, 14th Century Cookery. Tr. by
>James Prescott. Alfarhaugr Publishing Society. Eugene, Oregon, 1989.
>Varenne, Francis de La. The French Cook, 1653, Englished by I.D.G., 1653.
>[c. 1420]
>Chiquart. Du Fait de Cuisine. c. 1420. Translated by Elizabeth Cook,
>reprinted in Cariadoc Volume II, F2-F27.
>[c. 13th c.]
>Grewe, Rudolf, ed. "An Early XIII Century Northern-European Cookbook." In A
> Conference on Current Research in Culinary History: Sources,
>Topics, and
>Methods, Proceedings, by the Schlesinger Library of Radcliffe College.
>Boston: Culinary Historians of Boston, 1985, 27-43. [I included this here
>because Grewe believes that this manuscript, now lost, was originally
>written in medieval German.]
>[c. 1345]
>Daz Buch von guter spise. Würzburg, c. 1345. Transcribed, 1844. Translated
>by Alia Atlas, in Cariadoc Volume II, B1-B16.
>[c.15th C.]
>Birlinger, Anton, ed. "Ein alemannishces Büchlein von guter Speise." [cgm.
>384, fol.103b-115b, c.15th C.] Sitzungsberichte der Königlich bayerischen
>Akademie der Wissennschaft 2 (1865): 171-206. Distributed by Thomas
>Gloning, http://www.unigiessen.de/~g909.htm,1996.
>[c. 15th C]
>Eberhard. Kochbuch. c. 15th C. In Anita Feyl, "Das Kochbuch Meister
>Eberhards." Ph.D. diss., Albert-Ludwig University, 1963, 82-117.
>[c. 1486]
>Kuchenmeysterey. Passau: Johann, Petri, c. 1486. Edited by Rolf Ehnert.
>Göppingen: Kümmerle Verlag, 1981.
>Das Kochbuch der Phillipine Welser, c.1545. Transcribed and edited by
>Gerold Hayer. Edition Lepizig, 1983.
>[c. 1553]
>Welserin, Sabina. Das Kochbuch der Sabina Welserin. c. 1553. Edited by Hugo
>Stopp. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1980. Translated by
>Valoise Armstrong, 1998, to be published in Cariadoc, Volume II.
>Rumpolt, Marx. Ein new Kochbuch ... Frankfurt am Mayn, 1581. Reprinted by
>Hildesheim: New York, 1976.
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Laird Alasdair mac Iain of Elderslie
Dun an Leomhain Bhig
Canton of Dragon's Aerie [southeastern CT]
Barony Beyond the Mountain [northern & southeastern CT]
East Kingdom
------- ------- -------
Argent, a chevron cotised azure surmounted by a sword and
in chief two mullets sable
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