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Re: [Fwd: Re: Courtliness, SCA, Cloved Fruit]

Poster: "Mark.S Harris" <rsve60@email.sps.mot.com>

> >I can say with confidence one SCA tradition that is pretty widely practiced
> >and is NOT based in courtly love in ANY way is Cloved Fruit.  Don't be
> >fooled.  I've done the research.
> >
> >Andrew
> Yes this is a made up SCA custom.  Mistress Alizaunde de Bregeuf in the
> East Kingdom claims to have invented it many years ago for an event,
> intending it as a simple entertainment for that single event.  She was very
> surprised to return from a year out of the country and find it an
> established custom!  But then, the SCA started out as a single party thrown
> for Mistress Diana Listmaker....another example of an idea too good to
> happen just once.

Yes, this is the case. For several messages from Mistress Alizaunde de Bregeuf
as well as more info, see this file in the ENTERTAINMENT section of my
Florilegium files:
cloved-fruit-msg  (14K)  3/ 7/96    Period cloved fruit. Origin of the SCA game.

They can be found at: http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/rialto/rialto.html
> WARNING!  In some locations there is a custom that if a lady is presented
> with a fruit with a single remaining clove in it and accepts, she is
> implying that she will accompany the lord home that evening.  THIS IS NOT
> UNIVERSAL!  It is not, as far as I know, a custom in the Eastern Seaboard
> kingdomes.  DO NOT assume any lady has knowlege of it!

This is the first time I have ever heard of this "tradition". I do not believe
this is known of in Ansteorra.

Another warning, some folks have become so disenchanted with this game, that
when offered a cloved fruit they will pull out a clove as in pulling the
pin from a grenade, yell and throw it as far as possible. This is apparently
particularly practiced in the Barony of Bjornsborg (San Antonio), Ansteorra.
Personally, I think this is rude and that there are better ways to handle

Lord Stefan li Rous
Barony of Bryn Gwlad

> Jocetta
> Joyce A. Baldwin
> Diva Extraordinaire
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