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Re: Period Games

Poster: EoganOg@aol.com

In a message dated 99-03-07 22:12:03 EST, you write:

>  I am searching fro two
>  things: first, rules to period card and board games, and second, people
>  who know the games well enough to teach them to others.

I would love to come and teach, but unfortunately my college graduation is on
the same weekend (don't want to blow that off!).  But I would be happy to help
out in any other way I can.  I have ran gamin g tourneys before, and have a
general idea of what games are quick enough to fit in, and enjoyable.  I'll be
happy to work with you. Please feel free to write me with questions.  I'll try
to type in the ruls for the games I usually use and send them to you (or post
tehm to the list at large).  These are the games I have had the most success
Fitchneil (and other Hneftafl games)
Nine-Men's Morris
These games are strategy based and quick enough to hold most beginner's
attention.  Games such as Gluckshause, Tablero de Jesus, etc. are fun, too,
but take longer.  Same with Senet......     I'll try and get those rules typed
Eogan Og

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