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Re: mud bugs

Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>

Betty_and_David wrote:
> Poster: Betty_and_David <Betty_and_David@compuserve.com>
> "Civilized people do not eat roaches, with or without gills. "

My uncle used to be in charge of flood control for Laos. Since he
had the only house with electricity the kids would bring buckets
to collect the bugs off his screens to eat. The bigger the better.

Second week there he was under 10 feet of water. Saved his alarm clock.
His servants wanted to eat the big iguana that occupied his second
house. Said no 'til it crapped on his shortwave.

> A Frenchman will eat anything if the sauce is good.

Yeah. I believe that. My Mom had some REAL FANCY Snail shells she 
used to fix snails in for company. This was at a time in my parents'
lives when they were participating in rather snobby parties for
business purposes. I'd have to say one thing about the snails:
THEY STILL TASTED LIKE MUD. Not even good mud. Muck. 
I've wondered about the French ever since. They talk funny too. :)

Fantastic Gothic Architecture, but cast iron stomachs and dead
tastebuds (or tongue-numbing wine). Absolutely blew it with the 
Baroque. And you'd think they'd have put a garderobe in the Louvre
somewhere. Seem to have ignored that completely. Go figger. Upwind.

> I am Flemish.  We will eat anything if the beer is good.
> Magdalena

Now the octopus I liked, but that wasn't French. Right Chewy.
We used to spend days catching & shelling hundreds of crabs for those
parties. Our hands turned into smelly white prunes. :)

I am a (Viking) Mongol. The French were lucky we turned around. :)
But we could have improved their diet somewhat. Some things are
simply unfit to eat. Not that we're civilized or anything....

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