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Rutlands Annual Party

Poster: Rutlands@aol.com

Greetings, fair Atlantians!

Pray attend!  The annual Rutland Open House, to which all Scadians who know 
us and a few others who like to be outnumbered are graciously invited (please 
rsvp closer to the date), will take place Saturday, October 16th, from noon 
until whenever.  For those who would like a sense of what our home will look 
like, tune in to HGTV on May 2nd or 5th for a show on renovation and 
restoration  ( for show times and a description of the show go to the 
<A HREF="http://www.hgtv.com/village/corp/crp_special.html">HGTV -- Special 
</A> ) . The show will include a brief segment on our expanding and 
metamorphosing abode in the raw shape it was in late in March when we and the 
house were videotaped.  We made some attempts in the show to relate what we 
have been doing to this 19th Century house to principles of reenactment and 
recreation that we strive to achieve in the SCA.  We don't know if those 
attempts survived the editing process, which was supposed to boil a day of 
shooting down to around 3 minutes.

Please contact us closer to October for details on the party (which should be 
posted anyway) and to let us know you are coming.  And spread the word-- we 
rely upon word of mouth for this.

Here's hoping to see you.

-Daniel and James of Rutland
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