The Merry Rose Archive (by thread)
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Last update: Fri Jun 25 18:52:02 99
324 messages
Messages listed in order by thread. Listing format is the following:
- Subject,
(Date posted).
Followup messages are indented.
- Re: Looking for...,
Dryw Freed (04/01/99)
- Re: Caledonian Concerts in the Carolinas,
AEdric the Grene (04/01/99)
- Re: Rhubarb? Toxic? (Was Re[2]: Rosine's Riddle),
Xavier de Lyon (04/01/99)
- Chicken Salad,
SCAVard (04/01/99)
- Re: Rhubarb? Toxic?,
SCAEtain (04/01/99)
- Re: Rhubarb? Toxic? (fwd),
Craig Levin (04/01/99)
- Rhubarb: Old World or New World?,
Garrett, William (04/01/99)
- Looking for... Anyone know...,
Jason & Shannon Smith (04/01/99)
- Southern Maryland Celtic Festival,
SCAVard (04/01/99)
- Rhubarb:Old World or New,
BARY E. SEARS (04/01/99)
- Ponte Alto Cooks' April meeting,
R. Trigg (04/02/99)
- April 1st Heraldic Submissions for A.S. 33,
Dave Montuori (04/02/99)
- Sacred Stone's Investiture and Novice Tourney Flyer with upates,
Becky McEllistrem (04/02/99)
- Dougie MacLean concert correction,
EoganOg (04/02/99)
- summer at the vikings at foteviken 1999,
Björn (04/02/99)
- Hello out there!,
Janet Penland (04/02/99)
- Feast of St George,
Neal J. Atlow (04/02/99)
- Re: re-subscription help, please?,
geneviamoas (04/02/99)
- AD:Family Reunion T Shirts & More,
kuppler (04/04/99)
- Question,
Christian <> (04/04/99)
- Test,
Carol L. Smith (04/04/99)
- Passage East I: The English Anarchy,
J.T. Thorpe (04/04/99)
- FW: Reward for information regarding Westmarch,
Louise Sugar (04/04/99)
- Re: [Fwd: Tattoos],
Stefan li Rous (04/04/99)
- Re: an early-morning smile,
Matthew Tuite (04/05/99)
- windmaster's list,
Bonnie Hindle (EUS) (04/05/99)
- May KMoAS Acorn Letter,
Jennifer Thies (04/05/99)
- You Too Can Brew - Beer,
LadyDaria (04/05/99)
- Pennsic Info Bulletin for April 5, 1999,
PW 28 Media Relations (04/05/99)
- Re: [Mid] Pennsic Info Bulletin for April 5, 1999,
AlexdeSet (04/05/99)
- More stuff at MoAS site!,
Larsdatter, Karen (04/05/99)
- 668 Years Ago Today--April 6th is National Tartan Day!,
EoganOg (04/06/99)
- University Lost and Found?,
Wynnie (04/06/99)
- test (ignore),
Logan and/or Arielle (04/06/99)
- Stierbach Birthday Bullfights - Event Announcement,
LadyDaria (04/06/99)
- Hotel information for Crown Tourney,
Genie Grimm (04/06/99)
Kevin of Thornbury (04/06/99)
- FW: H-COST: Medieval Tailor's Assistant,
Gregory Stapleton (04/06/99)
- Poetry Display and Competition,
Suzanne Metzler (04/06/99)
- Re: May KMoAS Letter- More info about KA&SFestival,
Jennifer Thies (04/06/99)
- A Minstrel's Farewell (song),
EoganOg (04/07/99)
- ISO Baroness Rosine,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (04/07/99)
- Stierbach Birthday Bullfights - Addition,
LadyDaria (04/07/99)
- At Her Majesty's Request...,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (04/07/99)
- Shameless Plug: Sacred Stone's Investiture and Novice Tourney Flyer,
Becky McEllistrem (04/07/99)
- Stilhavn Collegium April 18th,
Terry L. Neill (04/07/99)
- FW: St. George,
Mohajerin, Leila (04/07/99)
- On Open A&S Competitions,
Jennifer Thies (04/07/99)
- would earl dafydd please write me?,
Becky McEllistrem (04/07/99)
- next Acorn letter from Clerk of Signet,
Becky McEllistrem (04/07/99)
- [nottinghill-coill] Urgent Request - Reminder,
Missy Walters (04/07/99)
- Cabin space for Passage East,
Missy Walters (04/07/99)
- Fw: Dave Barry on Re-enactors,
Wynnie (04/07/99)
- Crash Space - Passage East,
blackbow (04/07/99)
- Fighters dealing with Military bases...assitance request,
SHADOSPON (04/08/99)
- Fwd: Kingdom A & S,
SNSpies (04/08/99)
- Fwd: Kingdom A & S Festival,
SNSpies (04/08/99)
- Attn: Gentles in the Washington Area,
Kate Moore (04/08/99)
- Troll at Passage East event,
ealdthryth (04/08/99)
- On Open Competitions,
Rutlands (04/08/99)
- More about the Viking exhibit!,
Karen Larsdatter (04/09/99)
- Still seeking University Lost and Found,
Wynnie (04/09/99)
- Combat Arrow Heads???,
WhenURage (04/09/99)
- Smithsonian Viking exhibit!,
Karen Larsdatter (04/09/99)
- Squires swords,
Bob & Diana Cosby (04/10/99)
- Medieval Drama,
rmhowe (04/10/99)
- New comer seeks shire,
Michael Petrovich (04/10/99)
- new comer again,
Michael Petrovich (04/10/99)
- Bruce vs. Balliol,
Bob & Diana Cosby (04/10/99)
- bows,
N1bbler (04/11/99)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: bows,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (04/11/99)
- Re: bows,
Kristen Barry (04/12/99)
- Regional Dance Practice - 4/18,
SCAVard (04/11/99)
- Contact Info needed,
Ann & Les Shelton (04/11/99)
- Questions...,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (04/11/99)
- Re:Bows,
Demison1 (04/12/99)
- Feast of the Dragon,
EmberNAsh (04/12/99)
- Investiture crash space,
Becky McEllistrem (04/12/99)
- Feast of 30?,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (04/12/99)
- Questions... (fwd),
Craig Levin (04/12/99)
- Night on The Town/Orphanage,
Greg Glewwe (04/12/99)
- something wrong with archives,
jsrechts (04/12/99)
- Oak Index,
Karen Larsdatter (04/12/99)
- Position announcements,
TURNEJC (04/12/99)
- Where is the April Digest??,
M. Stewart (04/12/99)
- Sheep Raids,
Denise Jones (04/12/99)
- Hey!,
SirO (04/12/99)
- Baldar bluts for sale,
Mark Mettler (04/12/99)
- demo in Statesville, NC,
Baron Bran MacConroai & Baroness Lasair Burke (04/13/99)
- Pennsic Email Bulletin 04/13/99,
PW 28 Media Relations (04/13/99)
- in search of William Ringlancer,
LadyDaria (04/13/99)
- No Subject,
duncan-turner (04/13/99)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- No Subject,
Betty Eyer (04/25/99)
- Mini-versity at Kingdom A&S Festival,
Beth Morris (04/13/99)
- REX 2-D Press Release,
AEdric the Grene (04/13/99)
- Lost & Found from Passage East,
Ealdthryth Humberstone (04/13/99)
- A red "Herring"?,
SCAVard (04/13/99)
- Tax deductable?,
Garrett, William (04/13/99)
- weather for Sacred Stone Investiture,
Becky McEllistrem (04/14/99)
- Looking for a former Ansteorran,
Jennifer Thies (04/14/99)
- email contacts for Sacred Stone Investiture,
Becky McEllistrem (04/14/99)
- updated itinerary for SS Investiture,
Becky McEllistrem (04/14/99)
- Leather in Europe,
rmhowe (04/14/99)
- Ride to Sacred Stone,
Tracie Whitfield (04/15/99)
- From Fidonet (email ListRep here re replying directly),
SCA-Atlantia (04/15/99)
- Directions to Novice/Investiture this weekend,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (04/15/99)
- Elizabeth Ruff class at Novice,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (04/15/99)
- As seen on the Middlebridge...,
rmhowe (04/15/99)
- Viking Scandinavia Tour (LONG),
Terry L. Neill (04/16/99)
- Fwd: keep going on,
DragnLdy11 (04/16/99)
- Heraldry Page,
rmhowe (04/17/99)
- April 30th,
Cunradt Scholl von Frankonia (04/17/99)
- Demo: Forward from Sacred Stone list,
EoganOg (04/18/99)
- Bards of Atlantia!!!!!,
William T. Fleming (04/18/99)
- Southern Regional War Practice,
Greg Prevost (04/19/99)
- Inflation, death and taxes,
Kara (04/19/99)
- Holy Roman Empire,
JBRMM266 (04/19/99)
- Court happenings at Novice Tourney,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (04/19/99)
- quarterly reports,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (04/19/99)
- Attachments to your emails,
Virginia Driscoll (04/19/99)
- Feast of Thirty?,
Becky McEllistrem (04/19/99)
- PLEASE READ THIS....a true story....,
alison rhodes (04/19/99)
- On Virtue and some Big Sticks.,
rmhowe (04/19/99)
- Awesome site!,
Brett W. McCoy (04/19/99)
- Good Gentles All,
Gwyneth Anne Bronwynne Jones (04/19/99)
- Sacred Stone Investiture/Novice Tourney - Lost and Found,
Becky McEllistrem (04/20/99)
- Contact needed in Raleigh, NC,
Jhan Knebel (04/21/99)
- Gaelic Names Resource,
Pat and Donna Harvey (04/21/99)
- inkle looms for sale,
Denise Jones (04/21/99)
- Neat findings!,
Franca Gorraz (04/21/99)
- Fwd: EK: Need costumes!!!,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (04/21/99)
- The Sultan Wants You!,
Wynnie (04/21/99)
- Pratice & Directions Santa Margarita (K-burg?),
Nicole Smithers (04/21/99)
- NetSERF--neat web site,
EoganOg (04/21/99)
- How to cure/tan a sheep skin with fleece?,
Wynnie (04/22/99)
- about that "Pope" question a while ago,
Rowanwald Central (04/22/99)
- Windmasters' list and performance questions,
Mohajerin, Leila (04/22/99)
- Re: Shakespeare's Birthday,
JBRMM266 (04/22/99)
- would Duchess Luned write me?,
Becky McEllistrem (04/22/99)
- Greetings!!,
Beth Nappi (04/22/99)
- Chivalry Update,
tony toich (04/22/99)
- Demo help,
Steve Riley (04/22/99)
- Elvegast Demo,
Steve Riley (04/22/99)
- On line french names?,
Duane Moore (04/22/99)
- On line french names? (fwd),
Craig Levin (04/23/99)
- Rutlands Annual Party,
Rutlands (04/23/99)
- ISO Sykes,
Magdalena de Hazebrouck (04/23/99)
- seeking Gideon,
LWright740 (04/23/99)
- Windmaster's area banner class,
Arawynn of Ravenhall (04/23/99)
- ISO Baroness Emelyn Paecock,
Missy Walters (04/23/99)
- Ponte Alto Cooks' May meeting,
R. Trigg (04/23/99)
- Info: Known World Dance Symposium (May 21-23),
SCAVard (04/23/99)
- Re: Shakespeare's Birthday quote,
AlysounA (04/23/99)
- FW: [sca-archery]: SCA archery peerage,
krztina (04/23/99)
- Re: coat of arms research,
John Neri (04/23/99)
- coat of arms research,
Betty Eyer (04/25/99)
- Re: coat of arms research,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (04/26/99)
double sends,
krztina (04/23/99)
coat of arms research (fwd),
Craig Levin (04/23/99)
Fwd: [TY] Dreamstone...who can ask for more?,
Jhan Knebel (04/23/99)
Garrett, William (04/23/99)
Crown Tourney,
Janine H Sutter (04/23/99)
MAFA 99 Workshop on Ply-Splittintg,
SNSpies (04/23/99)
Northern Dance Update,
SCAVard (04/23/99)
She will never forget this moment,
Kyle Thorson (04/23/99)
Reminder: Poetry Contest at Crown,
Suzanne Metzler (04/23/99)
fighter pract.,
Steve Riley (04/24/99)
Re: MAFA 99 and Kingdom A&S Festival,
Weaver8002 (04/24/99)
ISO Lady Susannah Grey,
Jjane0117 (04/24/99)
Family Coat of Arms,
Betty Eyer (04/24/99)
Crafting Newsletter has moved.,
ntwrk1 (04/24/99)
Crown Tourney feast is full,
Genie Grimm (04/25/99)
ISO Lady Beatrix aka Bambi,
Steve & Paulette Lashley (04/25/99)
Feast Space for Feast of 30,
Missy Walters (04/25/99)
Looking for Countess Twila,
Logan and/or Arielle (04/25/99)
No fighter practice,
Logan and/or Arielle (04/25/99)
Fight practice at Crown,
Peter H. Clarke (04/25/99)
Boat Wars reservations,
Erika Robbins (04/25/99)
Archery (Windmasters' Hill),
Nancy Davis (04/25/99)
Logan and/or Arielle (04/25/99)
Crown Tourney schedule,
Genie Grimm (04/25/99)
Rapier tournament at Crown,
Aedan Aylwyn (04/25/99)
"Roll of Arms" competition,
Genie Grimm (04/25/99)
War Practice,
Janine H Sutter (04/25/99)
Ruth_Cardiff (04/26/99)
Fwd: Dyeing (was RE: coat of arms research),
Betty Eyer (04/26/99)
Storvik Chronicler Disappears!,
Bruce C. Miller (04/26/99)
Warlord Announcement for May Acorn,
Jeffrey C. Sussman (04/26/99)
Poetry Competition At Crown Tourney,
Suzanne Metzler (04/26/99)
Northern Dance Practice - Cancelled (5/2),
SCAVard (04/26/99)
pennsic schedule,
Rowanwald Central (04/26/99)
Pennsic Fighting Schedule,
MRuttle (04/26/99)
Thoughts on Crown Tournament,
Kevin of Thornbury (04/26/99)
Re: Roll of Arms?,
Jennifer Thies (04/26/99)
Weather for Crown Tourney,
Adrianna (04/26/99)
Greetings from Seareach,
Denise Jones (04/27/99)
Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday Faire,
Krys413 (04/27/99)
SCA Tournament Heraldry,
SCAVard (04/27/99)
address correction,
Karen Louise Flessas (04/27/99)
changes to Clerk of Signet schedule,
Becky McEllistrem (04/27/99)
In-Kingdom Heraldry results for April - LONG,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (04/28/99)
Pennsic Bulletin April 29, 1999,
PW 28 Media Relations (04/28/99)
Johann von Rathenburg,
jessica mikell (04/28/99)
Re: A.S. XXXIV - Blwyddn Newdd Dda!,
Nathan Cottrell (04/28/99)

The Merry Rose Archive