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Demo: Forward from Sacred Stone list

Poster: EoganOg@aol.com

Since all the discussion on this list recently has had to do with either 
taxes or gasoline, I thought I would pass on some information that is a bit 
more relavant to the list.  This is forwarded from the Sacred Stone Baronial 
list.  Anyone in the kingdom who can come out and help make this endeavour a 
success, please do!
Eogan Og
Tighearn Eoghan Og Mac Labhrainn, CP 
Sangster of Scotland and Atlantia
Chronicler of the Militant Society of Bards
Checky Or & Vert, two lions combattant, tails knowed, in base a 
mouse couchant, all within an orle of roundels, Argent.
ALBANACH Egroup (a discussion group for things Scottish 503-1603AD)
"A! Fredome is a noble thing. . ."  --John Barbour in The Bruce, 1375

From: "Andrea Davis" <bemighty1@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: a fighter practice/getting together
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 14:26:18 PDT
X-Mailing-List: brnsacstone@egroups.com
X-URL: http://www.egroups.com/list/brnsacstone/

I wanted to invite you all to a "fighter practice" we are having at a 
Renaissance Fair in Western NC.
April 23-25, 1999
We will be there Saturday, April 24 beginning around 2pm.
The site is the "5 Springs Campground" between Sylva and Cherokee.
We would like to have heavy weapons, archery and rapier fighters as 
well as some A&S-it is a really unofficial demo.
This is a site that we are really excited about, as the owner/operator 
has been joining us for SCA activities and is really excited about us.
His site is still under construction and he has offered to let us 
build things there for SCA events (like FORTS) and is very interested 
in knowing what would make his campground the perfect SCA site. We 
would love for people to come and really show him what the SCA can do. 
He is running his own Renaissance fair, and has asked us to come out 
and do some fighting/singing/dancing etc.  He will also have several 
other groups (of medieval and non sorts). The actual fair starts 
Friday night with a big bonfire and go on Saturday with Maypole 
Dancing and other May games. There will be some oriental warriors on 
site doing a demo of Ninja type stuff, and merchants. If you want to 
camp he has plenty of sites open, and the cost is relatively cheap: 
$20.00 a campsite, and he does not care how many people you cram into 
one campsite ( I suggest about 5 people per site).
Admission for the festival is $5.00, Students: $2.50 and children 
under 12 free. If you tell him you are with the SCA he MAY try to cut 
the price down some. If you come only for the demo we may be able to 
get you in for free!
There is also a masquerade party a nightfall on Saturday, so if you 
plan to camp, bring a costume!
The Canton of Hawkwood would love for anyone and everyone to come-This 
should be pretty neat, and it gives us a chance to get other people in 
the Barony to help us give him suggestions on what would make it the 
perfect SCA site.
Note: they are still under construction right now, so be warned. There 
will be Port a Potties by the fighting area, and he is hoping to get 
the bath houses (with flush toilets) up and running. There is no 
feasthall on site, but he is trying to get food vendors and there are 
several fast food places and some upper scale restaraunts in the area.
More info on camping: 
(828)631-9834 or wiz13@gte.net
If you want to crah but dont want to camp-email me personally at 
bemighty1@hotmail.com and I will make arraingements for you.
Directions to the site:
Take 40 west to 19/23 towards Sylva/Cherokee. Follow the signs that 
say to Western Carolina University. GO past the Sylva exit and that 
should put you on 441/74. On Hwy 441/74 between Sylva and Cherokee 
start looking for the mile markers-between mile marker 76-75 turn left 
on THOMAS VALLEY ROAD. Follow the fork in Thomas VAlley to the left 
past the church. Turn Left on CORNELIOUS ASHE, then turn left onto the 
Gravel Road where the pavement ends (right before the blue house). 
There will be signs for that say 5 springs campsites, and we will have 
SCA signs up Saturday morning.
It will be fun!!!!
In Service,
Fiona MacLeod
(Andrea of Hawkwood)
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