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Northern Dance Update

Poster: SCAVard@aol.com

Good morning all:

We had a dance practice last weekend in conjunction with the Northern A&S 
Colleguim in Chesapeake Beach, MD.  We were fortunate to have with us Lady 
Judith of Northumbria of the Shire of Caer Adamant (Eastrealm) and Fred 
Blounder of Thrir Venstri Foetr (Three Left Feet), a non-SCA English Country 
Dance troupe.  Through Judith's and Fred's patience guidance, we were 
afforded the opportunity to learn NEW STUFF!  (Yaay!)  A complete list of 
what we danced has been posted to the Regional Dance website 

My thanks to both of these gentle people, they certainly made the day for us.

Changing topics, there will be NO dance practice this coming Sunday (May 
2nd).  This is to allow everyone in the area to attend Crown Tourney in Bel 
Air, VA and not have to fret about hustling back up here the following day.  
Our NEXT scheduled dance practice will be Sunday, May 16th.  Please mark your 
calendars, we are planning for a huge turnout.

The regional practices are open to EVERYBODY.  If you have any questions, 
either contact me, or get in touch with Etain ingen Thadgain (Jess Kravets) 
in the Barony of Lochmere at <SCAEtain@aol.com>.

// Vard //

Lord Edvard Gayer, Chronicler
Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
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