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Re: Rhubarb? Toxic? (Was Re[2]: Rosine's Riddle)

Poster: "Xavier de Lyon" <XavierDeLyon@mindspring.com>

According to Duke, James A  in Medical books of China he sights that Rhubarb
is Toxic to pregnant women.

This is sited in Contraception and Abortion from teh Ancient World to the
Renaissance by John M. Riddle (Harvard press)

John Riddle also states that Rhubarb is a laxitive on page 39 of his book.

-Xavier de Lyon
-----Original Message-----
From: Eli White <eliwhite@bellatlantic.net>
To: REAMESD1 <REAMESD1@westat.com>; SNSpies@aol.com <SNSpies@aol.com>;
atlantia@atlantia.sca.org <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 9:17 AM
Subject: Rhubarb? Toxic? (Was Re[2]: Rosine's Riddle)

>Poster: Eli White <eliwhite@bellatlantic.net>
>At 09:01 AM 3/31/99 -0500, REAMESD1 wrote:
>>*Caveat to general readers:  do NOT eat raw rhubarb, it's toxic!
>Really?  If so, then I should be dead.
>I thought that just the leaves of Rhubarb were toxic.  Not the stalks
>When I was young I used to chew on raw rhubarb all the time, and my mother
>never did anything 'special' to it when she made rhubarb cobblers.  Just
>threw the rhubarb into a pie crust with lots of sugar and baked.
>So do I and my family have a special resistance to rhubarb poison?  Or am I
>Siegfried Sebastian Faust          Incipient Barony of Highland Foorde
>       Minister of Misinformation (Chronicler & Web Minister)
>             http://highland-foorde.atlantia.sca.org
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