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Chicken Salad

Poster: SCAVard@aol.com

I know this is going out to a limited audience:

For those who pestered me about the Chicken Salad recipe I served at lunch for
Ladies' Day in Dun Carraig this last weekend, I have received permission from
the author to publish it.....sort of.

Lady Isolde de la Ramée, CW, CSO, APF, CGP, has granted me leave to publish
the Chicken Salad recipe *provided* that what I publish is the modified recipe
I served on Saturday.  Her *original* recipe is not to be published by me, as
she is intending to include it in a cookbook, and wishes to avoid any
copyright hassles.  As this is her recipe, I will honor her request.

I am intending to publish it in the April issue of =Clyffe Notes=, Dun
Carraig's newsletter, or I may withhold it and publish it instead in our
upcoming A&S newsletter.  Either way, subscribers to =Clyffe Notes= will get a

:: sniff - sniff ::  (smells like a shameless plug coming up...)

If you are *not* a subscriber and would like to subscribe to =Clyffe Notes=,
contact me and I'll tell you how.  If you want the recipe but have no interest
in subscribing to our newsletter, let me know and we'll come up with some
mutually-acceptable form of payment.  :)

// Vard //

Edvard Gayer, Chronicler
Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia

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