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Poster: "Tanner Lovelace" <lovelace@cs.unc.edu>

Kevin wrote:

>Unto the good folk here assembled, greetings.
>	I'd like to correct a common and honest mistake made by the
>	subscribers of this list.  While I am the kingdom web minister,
>	I am not this list's owner.
>	This list is operated by Lord Kendrick Wayfarer (Tanner
>	Lovelace), his e-mail is "owner-atlantia@atlantia.sca.org".
>	The web page for the FAQ for this list can be found at:
>	http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org
>	While I do control all things relating to Atlantia's name
>	space, the Merry Rose is a legacy that is handed off to a
>	third party.
>	As always, I'm happy to help in any way I can with the Merry
>	Rose but please understand that my remedies are limited
>	since I don't own it.
>I remain, true to Their Majesties' service,
>|_|_|  Lord Kevin of Thornbury
>| | |  Web Minister of Atlantia
> \|/   kevin@maxson.com   http://www.atlantia.sca.org

Greetings all,

Please don't bother Kevin with matters concerning the list.
He's busy enough as it is.  In case the above e-mail doesn't
work for you, you can e-mail me directly at lovelace@cs.unc.edu
or at kendrick@wayfarer.org (although the first e-mail will get
a quicker response).  I don't tend to post to the list much
(I'm a first year Ph.D. student), but I do follow what is being 
posted and try to respond to anyone who asks for help.  I also
try to make sure the list runs as smoothly as possible.  Apparently,
I've done my job a bit too well, since a lot of people seem to
have forgotten about me. :-)  So, please, direct any questions
about the list to me.  Also, Kevin, if you get e-mail about the 
list, please feel free to just forward it to me.

In service,
Lord Kendrick Wayfarer
Listkeeper, Merry Rose
Tanner Lovelace                  Department of Computer Science
lovelace@cs.unc.edu              UNC-Chapel Hill, CB #3175
http://www.cs.unc.edu/~lovelace/ Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3175 

List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org