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Re: Pennsic Fighting Schedule

Poster: SCAVard@aol.com

Oops!  Sorry about that.  When I posted, I did not realize that Rosine was on 
the Pennsic Staff, and that her post had been published in that capacity.  
Had I read her introduction or the header info from her initial post more 
carefully, I would have seen this.  Rosine and I have spoken off-line about 

FYI, this information found it's way to me via the Middlebridge, where it had 
been posted a day or two ago.  I had not yet cross-posted it to the Rose due 
only to time constraints.  Had I known that it was supposed to be "protected" 
info, I would have made no comment about it at all.  But having seen it 
posted twice to public email lists (here and the Midrealm), I assumed that it 
was public domain, and when her post had seemingly left out an important 
piece of info, I passed it along.

My apologies for my part in this.

// Vard //

>Poster: "Rowanwald Central" <rownwald@gte.net>
>That is because the poster, namely me, thought it would be best to forward
>that information to their Majesties first, before announcing it at
>large.... especially since the info had not be released to anyone except
>those of us on Pennsic Staff.
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