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Pennsic Email Bulletin 04/13/99

Poster: PW 28 Media Relations <pw28media@minstrel.com>

Greetings and Good tidings to all from Sir Omarad the Wary, Pennsic War
Chief of Security.

I hope that each and every one is having a grand Spring.
There will be some changes this year at War.  This advance letter should
help alleviate confusion and allow everyone to be aware of available
resources and policy modifications.

1. Security Sub-stations.
In order to increase guest availability to Security resources we will have
several extra Security Sub-stations scattered about Coopers Lake Campground.
My hopes are that this will bring a greater number of Pennsic guests closer
to available resources and provide quicker responses to calls for aid and
guest emergencies.
This is a two-edged sword. This experiment will rely on extra resources
allotted by Pennsic Autocrat Staff as well as greater responsibility for
guest involvement.  The Autocrat Staff has met their requests by Security
with enthusiasm and have allowed for additional resources. Pennsic guests
are needed (as always) as volunteers to help "man" the posts.  What we
envision is a "block watch" scenario where most (if not all) of a
sub-station's volunteers are from it's local population of guests.  I hope
that this scenario will allow guests a "stake" in their own security.  All
volunteers will (of course) still be acceptable to myself and meet Security
staff requirements and guidelines.
Locations and advance Volunteer sign up will be available soon at the
Pennsic web page. If groups or Households would like to take blocks of time,
that can be arranged and will be appreciated.

2.Security cart patrol routes.
In order to "spread out" and more widely provide access to Security
resources, I will be requiring loose routes and patrol areas for Security
carts to adhere to on a schedule.
This should limit excess cart traffic in some areas and provide other areas
with increased accessibility to Security resources.

3. Office hours .
I will personally be available at each sub-station for a specific time each
day. (barring emergencies.)
I will take notes and hear comments. This should allow areas, groups, and
individuals an avenue for input.
These hours will be posted at each sub-station. Senior Deputies and Shift
supervisors will always be available if  need arises.

4. Parking control.
All guests are expected to park in designated lots when not loading or
unloading at their camps. In order to facilitate a steady flow of traffic
and to avoid congestion at Pennsic, Parking of ALL vehicles will be while
loading and unloading ONLY. Parking while loading and unloading will also
only be allowed on the North (Parking Lot) and East(Interstate) sides of any
and all campground roads. (Barring special circumstances (case by case
basis.). ie: Troll, Special needs, etc...)
This tighter control, coupled with every guest's support and limited parking
duration should help clear congestion and allow traffic, pedestrians, and
especially emergency vehicles, to pass easily and more readily  to and from

The owners of unattended or improperly parked vehicles MAY be warned, and
WILL be towed.

Additional resources have been allotted to Security to ensure that
campground roads are clearer and we hope that fewer guests will be
inconvenienced by those less considerate.

Have a nice Summer, See you at War.
Baron Sir Omarad the Wary,
House Stahlgeist

Pennsic War 28 Media Relations Office media@pennsicwar.org
	   Pennsic War Email Deputy pw28media@minstrel.com

For the most up-to-date information on Pennsic War 28 
visit the web site at http://www.pennsicwar.org/

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