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Fwd: Kingdom A & S Festival

In a message dated 4/7/99 10:12:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time, SNSpies writes:

<< Hello again, Genevieve.
 May I please add one more point to the message I sent yesterday?  The 
fighters have twice-yearly competitions where they can all get together and 
show their stuff, learn from each other, compete with each other, acknowledge 
those that have attained levels of expertise, etc..  The Kingdom A & S 
Festival should offer the same opportunity to all the artisans in the 
kingdom.  It should be an event where we can all come together to show, 
learn, compete, acknowledge.  It is only once a year, and goes a long way 
toward balancing the two main aspects of SCA activities (I'm leaving out 
politics here!).  
 Ingvild >>

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Hello again, Genevieve.

May I please add one more point to the message I sent yesterday?  The 
fighters have twice-yearly competitions where they can all get together and 
show their stuff, learn from each other, compete with each other, acknowledge 
those that have attained levels of expertise, etc..  The Kingdom A & S 
Festival should offer the same opportunity to all the artisans in the 
kingdom.  It should be an event where we can all come together to show, 
learn, compete, acknowledge.  It is only once a year, and goes a long way 
toward balancing the two main aspects of SCA activities (I'm leaving out 
politics here!).  

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